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  • Firefighters

    Firefighters Face Stressors that Many Civilians Don’t Understand

    By Michael Barasch

    As a firefighter, you earn the respect of the community you serve every day. People understand how dangerous and stressful it is to deal with raging fires, medical emergencies and other situations that are fraught with serious risks. However, only you and those closest to you can fully appreciate the range of stressors you face […]

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  • Workplace InjuryFirefighters

    What Is the Firefighter Cancer Support Network? 

    By Michael Barasch

    According to the International Association of Fire Fighters, cancer caused more than half of firefighter line-of-duty deaths over a 15-year period. Various conditions associated with the job lead to cancer of the lungs, kidneys and gastrointestinal system. These issues can be tough to face and finding trustworthy information can be a serious challenge. Fortunately, a […]

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